Applying Codes

We highly recommend knowing how to use applied kinesiology, or muscle testing since it is very helpful if not vital to finding Codes, applying them and fully utilizing this energetic healing method for yourself or for others. Simple introductory instructions for muscle testing are included in the next box below.

That being said, when Codes are found, tested and provided by a Codes of Life practitioner, you may use the simple application instructions detailed here to fully utilize the Codes energy.

    • Print out your Client Sheet of Codes.
    • CodesPage

      • Apply each Code and its rate the first time by reading it verbally.
        • EXAMPLE:  Joy – 97496893463   x10
        • SAY:  “Joy; nine, seven, four, nine, six, eight, nine, three, four, six, three; times ten.”
        • Repeat only once for each Code.
      • To reapply Codes scan visually or “scan” your left hand over the Codes with the intent to reapply 10 times (or by rate indicated via muscle testing). There is no need to read a Code more than once.
      • This is an energetic based application so once your body knows the energy of a Code it will remember it.
      • Reapply the Codes at least 2-3 times a day or as often as possible, more often if ailment is acute.
      • Reapply with intent to continue energetic application while asleep.
      • To apply remotely to anyone, anywhere; first get permission, verify you are a frequency conduit, then focus intent on that person and apply Codes.
          • 108 Frequency Conduit: 71689657787     x10
          • SAY – “108 Frequency Conduit: seven, one, six, eight, nine, six, five, seven, seven, eight, seven; times ten.”
      • To apply to another person, animal or plant; place left hand on Codes and right hand on recipient. This follows the natural energy flow into and out of the body.


      • Visualize the energy reaching its target and generating healing.
      • Personal intuition, focus and intention are more important than the numbers.
      • Trust your instincts, sixth sense, inspiration, gut feelings.
      • This is not an exact science; there is no ‘one right way’ to increase the healing energy in your body.
      • Typically, unnecessary energy is sloughed off when not needed by the body, no Codes have harmful intentions, nor do they create negative side effects like their physical counterparts.
      • Muscle test for trapped negative emotional blockage since negative emotions create their own vibrations that can be counterproductive to healing energy (refer to the book by Dr Bradley Nelson: “The Emotion Code”).
      • Health and Balance to you as you start your energetic healing journey with Codes!


Applied Kinesiology or Muscle Testing

Using muscle testing is the best way to determine which Codes you or your client are in need of.  Developed by Dr Goodheart in the 1960’s, muscle testing answers in a yes/no, positive/negative manner. By asking simple, straightforward statements, or yes/no questions, the subconscious will answer with a positive or negative response. If you are new to muscle testing research and try the various methods to find which works best for you. Practice extensively to become proficient at any form of muscle testing.

For simplicity we will describe only the “OK” method for those who are new to this technique:


      • With one hand, make an OK sign by touching the tip of your thumb to the tip of your forefinger.
      • Place the first and second fingers of the other hand into the circle you have created.
      • The circle is the resistance; the two fingers are the testing fingers.
      • Hold the resistance fingers in a firm but relaxed circle intending to keep the test fingers within.
      • State a very obvious positive – “I am (your name)” – the test fingers should not break the circle.
      • Remaining inside the circle is typically a “yes” or positive answer.
      • State a very obvious negative – “I am (not your name)” – the test fingers will slip through the circle.
      • If done properly, no matter how hard you try to keep the test fingers within they will slip through.
      • Ease the tension of your circle fingers so as little pressure as possible is needed for an answer.
      • Relax and adjust the tension so you do not fatigue your arms and get poor quality answers.
      • Thirst will affect your answers so stay well hydrated. Both you and those you test.
      • Intention and focus are paramount.
      • Focus your attention on yourself to get answers about you.
      • Focus your attention on another and you will receive answers for them.
      • Never intrude on others agency. Always receive permission to muscle test others.
      • Distance is irrelevant to energetic testing and frequency balancing.